Monday, August 8, 2011


The Army Substance Abuse Program is sponsoring the National Suicide Prevention Week and the Annual Fort Carson Suicide Prevention Month of September. This year ASAP is hosting a way for post personnel, along with its civilian community, to showcase their artistic talents while enhancing awareness of this monumental issue that has affected more than 155 families across the U.S. Army. Pull out your digital video cameras and put together your best film representation of suicide awareness in a three-five minute clip. Compete with other singular entries along with unit entries. There will be prizes, fun and the best chance for you to make an impact in the community you live in, concerning this issue of suicide.  Promoting
awareness/education in the realm of enriching mind, body and spirit will be the overall aim with this effort.

Entries should be submitted on a CD or DVD not later than close of business Aug. 25 to the Suicide Prevention manager Deon Cobasky (719-526-0401, building 6236 room 201). The winning submissions
will be presented at the kick off ceremony to Fort Carson's Annual Suicide Prevention Event held at McMahon Auditorium.

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