Monday, August 8, 2011


By:  Mrs. Cynthia A. Brisby
Have you ever visited the hospital and wished you were allowed the opportunity to give input on the way that services were offered?  Well, your dream has finally come true through an initiative at Evans Army Community Hospital (EACH) called Patient- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC).  FCC is an approach to healthcare that redefines the relationships among providers, patients, and their families.  This initiative is dedicated to providing the very best care to beneficiaries while constantly striving to improve the hospital's services through partnerships in which health care providers recognize the importance that individuals and families play in health and healing.  It encourages empowerment, support, and respect for patients, and
families in making decisions and choices related to their health care.

At EACH, we asked our staff to put on new glasses to see the hospital and clinics from the perspectives of patients and family members.  To assist with this effort, we want the patients and family members to think of
changes that could be made to improve the experience of care at EACH.  If you possess the passion for enhancing health care by sharing insights and experiences in productive ways, and know how to respect differing opinions while listening to others in an effort to help solve issues, then call the Patient-and Family-Centered Care Resource Center at EACH, Room 1025, (719) 526-7733 to coordinate a time between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to pick up an application to participate in this initiative.  The Patient- and Family Advisory Council meets once a month for about one and one-half to two hours to discuss trends that have been identified as areas for potential change. We know that your time if valuable, so we will utilize your feedback in the most effective ways to ensure that our services reflect the actual needs of the patients and their family members.

Because of PFCC, changes have taken place at EACH: signs have been replaced to help our patients know to where clinics/departments have moved; staff members have been trained about PFCC to ensure partnerships are established; Information Desks have been installed at both the west and east hospital
entrances to help patients find their way; and PFCC has installed floor plan maps to assist patients as they move around the hospital.  We are currently working on identifying more trends to make EACH more patient and family centered through your suggestions and the ICE comment cards.

If PFCC piques your interest, or you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mrs. Cynthia Brisby, Patient- and Family-Centered Care Coordinator at (719) 526-7733.  Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve your community in this capacity!!!

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