Friday, August 5, 2011

Newsletter: July Pg. 2 - The First Sergeant's Foxhole

Greetings from Iraq,

The summer has been very hot and busy! We have recently been told we are moving to Al Asad Air Base very soon. By the time you read this, we should already be there. Everyone has been putting maximum effort into all the tasks that have to be done to move an entire unit. As we successfully close one chapter of our deployment, we are all eager to see what the next holds for us at the new location. Al Asad means “The Lion” in Arabic; and like the days of old, the Warriors stand ready to face any advances from the lion, and will always come out victorious! I ask for patience these next coming weeks until we get situated on the ground as an entire unit. I have already visited our new home and secured living arrangements for our guys and found a place to call our new command post. The great news is that the base there has an indoor swimming pool, a really nice gym, and is slightly cooler than Baghdad. I am working with the two private companies there to get internet into the Container Housing Units (CHUS) for all of our guys. So, in the near future, everyone will be able to access the internet from their CHU, for a fee of course…. Until then, the MWR building has free internet, Spaware Phones, and free wifi access. While the end of this month is filled with excitement with the move, we also have to bid farewell to our Executive Officer, CPT Lopez, and 1LT Fox from 1stPlatoon; you will both be missed and will always be part of the Warrior Family, good luck and Godspeed. We welcomed three new Platoon Leaders into the Warrior Family recently and are eager to see what each of them brings to the table. 1LT Bourne will be our new Executive Officer as of the beginning of August. The Families of the Warriors are always in our thoughts. Enjoy the remainder of summer wherever you may be and know that we are almost at the half way mark! I included the new mailing address below. All mail will stop as of the 26thof July and will be forwarded to Al Asad from that point on. I hope this finds you well. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at:

No Fear!
1SG Steven R. Hahn
Warrior 7

New Address:
Last, First M.I.
59th MP Company
APO AE 09333

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